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EOS - Now a Registered Block Producer!

EOS USA is now a registered block producer! David completed our setup this afternoon. EOS USA sends our greetings to viewers in over 139 ...

EOS - My Campaign Pledge

The first week of candidacy was truly a thrill. A reunion with an old friend proves an excellent fit for EOS USA. We can't wait to get...

EOS Launch Update Explained

This EOS launch is history in the making. I've been watching the discussion among BPs. Several have given the go ahead for main net ...

EOS - June 2nd Launch Day

David is working to complete the necessary steps for launch. EOS USA is reaching out to the entire EOS community. Anybody with comments...

EOS USA - The Moon Rebranded

David called to discuss EOS MOON. The actual name. I was sad for about 20 seconds. He scores with this one. EOS USA is created!

EOS - The Show Must Go On!

A recent Crypt0 video inspired me to share my own drama story! There is only a week to go before launch. Here's a little story about a...

EOS - Let Your EOS Voice Be Heard!

It is time we start practicing for the big event. We wish to set a new standard for transparency in BP's. This means recording as much...

EOS - Let's get it started!

Today was my first day as Block Producer candidate. I took some of my own advice and called an old friend in the tech world. I did not...

EOS - Some Restrictions Apply

The United States and China are not allowed to purchase EOS tokens during the year long ICO ending in June. How do you explain their #1...

EOS - The New Paradigm

EOS may save social media from censorship (centralization). In fact, it may save the financial system, our governments and our freedom...

EOS - The Importance of YOU!

EOS is not just a software protocol, its a community. It's a community of people that will be required to participate.

EOS - Goddess of Dawn

Dan Larimer doesn't tell what EOS actually stands for. Here is my take on it!

EOS - Getting ready for impact!

With corruption existing in all major sectors of the world, EOS may be just what we need to fight back!

EOS - The "Reset" Button For Crypto!

EOS is quickly becoming the front-runner for all of the cryptos. Here are a few of my reasons why I choose EOS as the best total package...

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